Screen Porch

Team Talk: What's Your Favorite Pen?


The Porch Team

Welcome to Team Talk, a new column where we, the small but mighty Porch Team, sound off about all sorts of things—most writerly, some not, but all things about which we're enthusiastic, opinionated, or curious. We hope you have fun getting to know what we're into these days.

To kick things off, we're thinking about utensils. Writing ones, that is. PENS.

In no particular order, our favorite ink-delivery systems:

Katie: I’ve long been loyal to the Pilot Precise V5, ideally green or purple. I love the thin, elegant line, the easy dance of ink across the page. However, buyer be warned: the darlings will implode at altitude and will leave their stain on hands, faces, journals, and airplane tray tables.

Bonnie: A borrowed one that I will inevitably forget to return. Okay, pick is the Zebra F 301 0.7 BP black. Because it's good for prison tattoos. Kidding....because it's elegant, understated, and inexpPENsive!

Nina: I love and crave a real, true, old-fashioned fountain pen, weighty but not too thick. I like them with either blue or black ink and a tip that feels a little scratchy writing in a journal with good quality, unslippery off-white pages. The pen should dig into the paper just a little, but not enough to trip, before sliding to the next letter of a word.

Joe: I like the Porch pens! They always work right away—no delay or extra scribbles before words hit the page. Plus they rep The Porch, which lends good mojo to any writing endeavor.

Yurina: For me, it's the Pilot Hi-Tec 0.5 in black. The ink comes out smoothly and generously, like a fountain pen, so I reserve this pen for writing letters to friends or small notes for myself.

Susannah: Like Katie, I've been a Pilot Precise V5 girlie for years. But! I recently bought some old-school ballpoint pens from Field Notes—"clic pens," they call them—and I might be hooked? I like not having to worry that I'll fall asleep reading (which I often do with pen in hand) and get a giant ink stain on my couch or bedspread. Which has happened more times than I care to admit. I also second Joe: Our Porch pens are fab! 

Halley: Gelly Rolls. They never go out of style (in my humble, potentially childlike opinion).

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