“The imaginative person has a clearer fix on the fact of his/her fragility; the imaginative person realizes that anything can go disastrously wrong, at any time.” — Stephen King
What does it take to elevate a story from a “spooky scenario” to a narrative that reaches out and drags the reader by the heart? In this four-session course, we will try our hands at the black magic that is horror-writing. Through readings and guided prompts, we will explore how good horror writers use pacing, setting, motivation, and attention to the body to steer readers from the familiar to the dreaded. By the back two sessions, we will be reading each other’s work and providing feedback grounded in what we've studied. Our goal is to learn from masters and then learn from each other and then learn from ourselves. Because you can’t expect to scare others until you’ve well and truly scared yourself.
Note: While not required, participants are encouraged to arrive with a draft of a story or the beginning of a longer project so that our discussions can inspire exciting revisions.
• In-Class Writing Lift: Medium
• Homework: Optional
• Workshopping Drafts: Optional
Wesley Kocurek is a writer, editor, and educator from Connecticut. He earned a BA from Yale University and an MFA from the University of North Carolina Wilmington, where he taught creative writing for three years. He writes across all genres, from young adult to literary fiction, and has worked with Simon & Schuster and Marvel Entertainment.
Wesley is new to The Porch. Welcome!