This class will explore the magic of the prose poem. Poets we might read include Anne Carson, Bernadette Mayer, Bhanu Kapil, Claudia Rankine, James Tate, Charles Simic, as varied a group of poets as one could ask for, who don't use the line break as a way to make their writing come to life. Whether you are a fiction writer looking to develop your skill in writing charged language or a poet looking to see what can happen when you let go of your trusty line break, this course will help you uncover the magic of the prose poem for yourself, so that you can bring this skillset to your writing life. With your peers and me, you will read a few exemplary prose poems and then you'll write prose poems, with the option to share them with the group. This class is designed for people with some experience writing fiction or poetry.
• In-Class Writing Lift: Medium
• Homework: None
• Workshopping Drafts: None
Nathaniel Rosenthalis is the author of three books of poetry, including Works and Days (Broken Sleep Books) and The Leniad (Broken Sleep Books). He teaches writing at NYU. Also an actor and singer, he is a member of Actors Enquiry and works in musical theater in NYC.
Nathaniel is new to The Porch. Welcome!