April is National Poetry Month, a perfect time to write poems! In this four-session course, you’ll be challenged to draft one new poem each week for an entire month. We’ll do so as a community, holding each other accountable for writing consistently and forming weekly habits. Each week, you’ll have the chance to share work with your peers and receive feedback in “mini-workshop” conversations. Through writing exercises and reading examples, we’ll discuss where to find inspiration and how to stay motivated every week despite our busy lives. This course is perfect for anyone looking for the motivation to write poems more often with the support of other writers looking to do the same.
• In-Class Writing Lift: Medium
• Homework: Required
• Workshopping Drafts: Intensive
Ryan Varadi is a midwestern poet currently living in Chicago, where he writes on the train on the way to work his retail job. He holds an MFA in Poetry from the University of North Carolina, where he received the Bernice Kert Teaching Fellowship. He has served as editorial staff for Ecotone and Chautauqua and as an intern for RHINO Poetry. His work appears or is forthcoming in Poetry Northwest, The Shore, and Collision Literary Magazine, among others. You can find updates at his sporadically updated website: ryanvaradi.com
"Ryan was prepared, patient, and encouraging. He was an excellent facilitator. He is knowledgeable and his love of poetry was evident!"
"I liked the way Ryan made the subject approachable for poets of all skill levels. He did not assume particular knowledge, but adjusted to the level of the participants. He really listened as people shared their work (which can be a scary thing to do with strangers) and responded in specific and appreciative ways."